Parker Security & Locksmith Service has just expanded our customer                   will-call/showroom area.  Stop by and see our new area.
The Perfect Raceway Program allows for field technicians to drill fire listed doors in the field. 

The Perfect Raceway Program is the first Certified Personnel Program ever designed that allows for technicians to field modify fire listed doors, while still maintaining the door listing status. 

Parker Security & Locksmith Is Now Perfect Raceway Certified
Parker Security & Locksmith Service is your local Schlage Primus dealer.
Lock Bumping Continued...
•90+% of American doors use an old style cylinder lock which is vulnerable to a bump key.
•Your door lock can even be lock bumped by a 10 year old child.
•Anyone can make some lock bumping keys in 5 minutes or less.
•When a lock bumping key is used to break into your house then there is no signs of forced entry or damage to the lock. This makes the insurance companies very weary in paying for the claim. You could loose everything and not get compensated because of lock bumping and lock bumping keys.
•With the digital underworl abuzz about the new lock bumping threat, safety experts say it’s time to protect yourself against it.